Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2009

Assignment #6: Smoking in public areas

During the last years and decades the issue of smoking importantly has gained in importance. We can observe increasing rates of smoking and without a doubt people start smoking in their younger years. Experts, scientists and also politicians as well as the citizens have started a big debate concerning this problem. In the following I want to declare why smoking should be banned in public buildings and institutions in my opinion.
Firstly, it can be helpful to have a look on countries with such barriers that forbid smoking in public areas. One is Germany, the country where I come from. In 2007, the government decided to forbid smoking in all public buildings as well as in bars and pubs. In addition to that, every Federal State has a kind of self-determination due to that question. Hence, the Bavarian government forbids smoking on the Oktoberfest, which was an initial point for widespread debates. In the end, the government abolished that law because of the public pressure. Compared to that, the situation in Sweden seems to be similar. People are not allowed to smoke where it can definitely endangers others peoples health.
Secondly, one has to think about the reason why those laws can be called a good idea. For sure, I am speaking in favour of a non-smoker. However, the issue can be handled with rational approaches and ideas. In general, there cannot be a discussion about the fact that smoking worsens people’s health. Therefore, the problem related to that is that smokers not only hurt their health but also the one of third parties. The danger of cancer because of passive smoking is perhaps not as small as one generally tends to think. For this reason, I think that non-smokers should not be punished by that in public areas.
Thirdly, there is one strong argument from smokers who want their freedom to do so wherever they want. In their opinion alcohol should also be forbidden in a lot of areas, buildings and institutions because it also hurts the health. In general, this is absolutely true but people drinking alcohol don’t hurt others – you are responsible for yourself. Of course, one can come up to the question if drunk people hurt others mentally or/and physically by doing so but for me this discussion would go to far.
Summing up, I think it is a good way to forbid smoking in special parts and areas of our daily life to safe the health of the majority. However, this definitely does not mean that smokers should be excluded from your society. In my opinion, smoking areas in bars and pubs are a good way to handle this problem and lead to the result that everyone is able do what he or she thinks is the best - without hurting others.

1 Kommentar:

  1. This is a very interesting and well written blog. Your paragraphs are well structured and it makes is easier to follow and read the blog. It's good that you make your own opinion very clear.

    Your language is also very good, which makes it hard for me to comment on that. However, I found one thing that you can think about: "email" is incorrect, you should write "e-mail". Other than that, your English is very good!
