Montag, 27. April 2009

Assignment #3: Climate Change

The change in climate in our world is highly visible. Almost all around the world we can observe the effects of our changing nature. Measurements show that the globe in general is getting warmer and we immediately have to think about this fact. On the one hand global warming is caused by the sun, which is a natural fact we cannot change, but on the other hand the main reason for the global warming is the greenhouse fact, which is originated by human-beings.
Discussions about our climate change are widespread and thoughts related to this topic keep apart. Of course there are a lot of people who deal with that problem and try to warn the mankind concerning the consequences linked to that. An example is the former vice president of the United States of America, Al Gore, who tries to warn us as the residents of the earth. In this context he has attracted interest with his documentation film “An Inconvenient Truth“, that has been decorated with the Oscar in 2007. However, there is another kind of people that do not really care about the problem we are faced with.
An example for somebody who think about this problematic totally different is a teacher of mine from the last semester. He was a visiting professor from the US and provided an economic lecture with the purpose to teach us about International Trade Theories. The interesting point is that in one section of the course we have talked about environmental consequences because of international trade. During this the professor emphatically expressed his opinion. For him global warming is not caused by mankind and to support this view he has shown us some documentations. These films offered some information, for example the fact that the arctic ice melt in 2008 was not as high as the one 70 years ago.
For me the example of my American professor symbolises a problem which exists in general. There cannot be a debate about the fact that climate change has become high politics. Politicians and scientists think about how we can stop the negative trend. However, we as the owners of world’s responsibility do not really find an initial point to start. Although there were set standards like the Kyoto Protocol, the different governments and states do not hesitate to ignore these principles or refuse to sign the paper.
Connected to this there are a lot of people who talk about the problems of our environment. But no one really starts to do something against it. An example for this phenomenon can be found in economics. A lot of consumers say that they would pay more for a product when it is guaranteed that the workers are not ripped off and it is ensured that these employees are well-paid. However, in contrast to this argument, consumers try to minimize their costs, which means that they buy in discounters or cheap clothing stores for example. In addition to that, more people than ever before own and use cars and motorbikes instead of taking the bus in favour of the environment.
These examples emphasises my thoughts that lot of people are aware of our climate problem but do not start to work against it. Against the theory of my professor most of human-beeings agree with the statement from the beginning and are conscious of the effects for our globe. However, we have to find a way to fight against it ulitmately.

Assignment #2: The Fascination of a TV series

Television is a medium one could not imagine to think about its non-existence in today’s world. It is a part of our daily life and belongs to us like the coffee we drink in the morning or the steak we eat for lunch. This means that the importance of television has raised in our multimedia-based world of today, television is everywhere around us!


For sure, television and its programmes fascinates the people. There cannot be a discussion about the fact that this is related to the raising supply of programmes and series. With the possibility of digital television and online TV everyone can see what he wants and when he wants, or to say it in economic terms: The consumer is faced to nearly perfect consummation possibilities. With less effort the consumer can see his favourite programme and devices like TV guides can help to maximize the knowledge and information standard.


Me, myself, like the big spectrum of television offers. This means that I cannot say explicitly that XYZ is my favourite programme because this depends to the genre I am actually interested in. But essentially I am interested in documentations, especially such ones which rehabilitate old topics which new methods of analysis. Therefore I eminently like historical documentations with new aspects and discoveries. For that purpose I think that a very important challenge of television is to provide the world with information. It is interesting as well as important to have a look on what happens on our globe day by day and with the media of TV we get the chance to satisfy this desire in an relatively easy way.


If I regard the principle of television more in a way of entertainment other things become important for me as a consumer. On the one hand I especially like to watch sport programmes which is caused by my own passion to take exercises and make sports. I like sports like soccer, basketball, tennis and a lot more and of course I am especially interested in the Olympic games which take place every four years. In addition to that it is fun and a great entertainment to watch soccer games with a lot of friends because the different tastes and emotions support the fact of tension. On the other hand the television tool of tension constitutes my other favour which is to watch TV series. Therefore I do not have a specific genre I really prefer to watch but series like House, M.D. or the X-Files are my favourite programmes. In the case of House, M.D. it is not implicitly the medical background which fixes me but the different stories set around and the way the main character acts. What I like most concerning the X-Files is the creation of various cases the main characters Dana Scully and Fox Mulder try to solve.


In the text above I have talked about the great variety and possibilities television offers. However, it is necessary to mention that this channel of entertainment can also be a dangerous aspect for children. In the last assignment I talked about the fact that multimedia raises in importance while basic experiences lose in significance. Therefore it is important to protect children against their own exorbitance by showing them that television should not be as important as the coffee in the morning or the steak you eat for lunch.

Montag, 13. April 2009

Assignment #1: Childhood Memories

For me there cannot be a discussion about the fact that children are the most important thing of our future. This means they have to be kept well as the formers of world’s happenings. Of course it is not possible to adopt this main aspect in the early childhood. Other things seem to be important by regarding the aspect that children have to discover the world first.


The most important thing for a child is the environment of a stable family. This means they need parents who support and form their development. Values of our daily life have to be taught early and emphatically by people a child respects the most. Therefore a high responsibility exists for parents and grandparents, which means not to satisfy all of the children’s wishes with money but to teach those conventions like liability, equity and respect. Statistics show that those values are more experienced by children with a stable parent house while children from broken homes can become victim of a lack of experiences. This is related to the view of experts who believe that children need to experience influences of both, male and female genders in a balanced proportion.

Related to the idea to discover the world, I think that it is important to reach a back to basic movement, which concerns in this case to the entertainment programme. Computer games and modern types of entertainment like films, music and other multimedia programmes gain in importance while other quite simple experiences like nature and interpersonal relations lose in importance. In my opinion this trend has to be forced to turn around with the objective to show the children the important features of life. As I have mentioned before it is the responsibility of the adult world to make those experiences possible.


Of course the whole environment can also influence the development of a child. Negative examples can be found by regarding the experiences children had in countries beaten up by war. A lot of children of the generation of the Second World War are exposed to those problems and are faced to these happenings their whole life.