Montag, 27. April 2009

Assignment #3: Climate Change

The change in climate in our world is highly visible. Almost all around the world we can observe the effects of our changing nature. Measurements show that the globe in general is getting warmer and we immediately have to think about this fact. On the one hand global warming is caused by the sun, which is a natural fact we cannot change, but on the other hand the main reason for the global warming is the greenhouse fact, which is originated by human-beings.
Discussions about our climate change are widespread and thoughts related to this topic keep apart. Of course there are a lot of people who deal with that problem and try to warn the mankind concerning the consequences linked to that. An example is the former vice president of the United States of America, Al Gore, who tries to warn us as the residents of the earth. In this context he has attracted interest with his documentation film “An Inconvenient Truth“, that has been decorated with the Oscar in 2007. However, there is another kind of people that do not really care about the problem we are faced with.
An example for somebody who think about this problematic totally different is a teacher of mine from the last semester. He was a visiting professor from the US and provided an economic lecture with the purpose to teach us about International Trade Theories. The interesting point is that in one section of the course we have talked about environmental consequences because of international trade. During this the professor emphatically expressed his opinion. For him global warming is not caused by mankind and to support this view he has shown us some documentations. These films offered some information, for example the fact that the arctic ice melt in 2008 was not as high as the one 70 years ago.
For me the example of my American professor symbolises a problem which exists in general. There cannot be a debate about the fact that climate change has become high politics. Politicians and scientists think about how we can stop the negative trend. However, we as the owners of world’s responsibility do not really find an initial point to start. Although there were set standards like the Kyoto Protocol, the different governments and states do not hesitate to ignore these principles or refuse to sign the paper.
Connected to this there are a lot of people who talk about the problems of our environment. But no one really starts to do something against it. An example for this phenomenon can be found in economics. A lot of consumers say that they would pay more for a product when it is guaranteed that the workers are not ripped off and it is ensured that these employees are well-paid. However, in contrast to this argument, consumers try to minimize their costs, which means that they buy in discounters or cheap clothing stores for example. In addition to that, more people than ever before own and use cars and motorbikes instead of taking the bus in favour of the environment.
These examples emphasises my thoughts that lot of people are aware of our climate problem but do not start to work against it. Against the theory of my professor most of human-beeings agree with the statement from the beginning and are conscious of the effects for our globe. However, we have to find a way to fight against it ulitmately.

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